About Do You Believe

Top Self Empowerment Organization in Glendale

Welcome to Do You Believe! We are a non-profit organization based in Glendale with the mission to spread self-empowerment and help others get control of ...

Experienced Coaching Staff

You may have heard about a few celebrities who claim a life coach has changed their lives. But it’s not just the famous who can benefit. Business owners, ...

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You can be sure that the quality of our work is comparable to no other. Browse through the collection of books written by our pastor and let yourself be ...


  • Good for children
  • Self Empowerment



Having read, Mr. Germany's Domestic Violence "The Fight Of Your Life". I sat Numb, for a few seconds, because His read, could have been my life read!

Mr. Germany writes with heartfelt convention. With every pen stroke of his life's journey, experience and unfortunate real life occurrences.

I felt, every blow and transgression expressed in His word choice. I also felt in my spirt, the reality experienced in my childhood and dysfunctional family. In addition to the rage and anger, that sabotaged and ended most of my relationships.

There is a Golden Nugget written in Mr. Germany's novel that provides the reader Hope and Redemption. Leading to a personal path of transformation!

I wholeheartedly recommend this read.

Ron Garland Jr. Founder/Director Inner Circle Ministries Outreach Int'l Inc.

Ron Garland Jr.

Having read, Mr. Germany's Domestic Violence "The Fight Of Your Life". I sat Numb, for a few seconds, because His read, could have been my life read!

Mr. Germany writes with heartfelt convention. With every pen stroke of his life's journey, experience and unfortunate real life occurrences.

I felt, every blow and transgression expressed in His word choice. I also felt in my spirt, the reality experienced in my childhood and dysfunctional family. In addition to the rage and anger, that sabotaged and ended most of my relationships.

There is a Golden Nugget written in Mr. Germany's novel that provides the reader Hope and Redemption. Leading to a personal path of transformation!

I wholeheartedly recommend this read.

Ron Garland Jr. Founder/Director Inner Circle Ministries Outreach Int'l Inc.

Ron Garland Jr.

"The reading was humbling and horrifying! Made me take a deep look into my past and not like what I saw. 

This book reveals how domestic violence damages EVERYONE, the victim and the persecutor. 

The author's gentle writing style creates a degree of familiarity that is refreshing. 

Helped me better understand my family and myself." 

Ben Perry

"The reading was humbling and horrifying! Made me take a deep look into my past and not like what I saw. 

This book reveals how domestic violence damages EVERYONE, the victim and the persecutor. 

The author's gentle writing style creates a degree of familiarity that is refreshing. 

Helped me better understand my family and myself." 

Ben Perry

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